Friday, October 11, 2019

Super Swimming Flippers

Adelie Penguins are perfectly suited for life in Antarctica. Peng Pal wants to fly but John John knows penguins don't need to fly to survive and that they gave up their flying wings in exchange for super swimming flippers a long, long, long time ago.  

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Ping Pong The Bouncing Penguin Poll

Vote for what kind of penguin Ping Pong is.

Ping Pong lives in Antarctic with his Mom & sister. His Mom knew he was different when he began bouncing all over the colony and getting lost as a baby. There has never been a penguin like him before and she wonders why he is different. Must be from his father’s side she jests.

 I hope you like my story about Ping Pong the bouncing penguin and that you will help me choose what kind of penguin he is. We know for sure is Mom is an Adelie so please vote for who you think is father is. Please note that I have depicted Ping Pong as having traits from both his mother and father. He has his mother’s eyes, long tail and white wings and he inherited is nose, size and head crown from his father. Please cast only one vote. 
                           Click Funny                    Click Interesting                      Click Cool

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Story Behind Ping Pong!

In Antarctica Too Long

This comic was lost and now it's found:-) An ice-core may look like a hunk of ice to most people but to the scientists who study them they speak a thousand words. Each dark band, every little bubble reveals a secret about the Earth which has been hidden for thousands and thousands of years.